Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
383 lines
** SpecialHost for PasTeX
** Copyright © by Olaf Barthel & Georg Heßmann
#include "Global.h"
/** tpic.c **/
static void flushPath (int invis);
static void flushDashed (int dotted);
static void flushSpline (void);
static void arc (int invis);
static void dot_at (int x, int y);
static void line_btw (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
static void draw_ellipse (int xc, int yc, int xr, int yr);
struct tpic_msg *tp;
struct driver_map *dm;
long hres, vres;
long path_len;
#define xRESOLUTION hres
#define yRESOLUTION vres
struct bitmap map;
long upper_limit;
long lower_limit;
* APPROXIMATE integer distance between two points
#define dist(x0, y0, x1, y1) (abs(x0-x1)+abs(y0-y1))
#define TWOPI (3.14159265359*2.0)
#define xCONV_PT(x) \
((x) < 0 ? -((-(x) * hres + 500) / 1000) \
: (((x) * hres + 500) / 1000) )
#define yCONV_PT(y) \
((y) < 0 ? -((-(y) * vres + 500) / 1000) \
: (((y) * vres + 500) / 1000) )
void work_with_tpic(struct tpic_msg *tpic, struct driver_map *dmap,
long hresolution, long vresolution)
tp = tpic;
dm = dmap;
hres = hresolution;
vres = vresolution;
path_len = tp->path_len;
/* Initialisierung fuer 'graphics.c' */
map.width = dm->width;
map.height = dm->height;
map.pixptr = dm->pixptr;
upper_limit = dm->upper_limit;
lower_limit = dm->lower_limit;
device_SetPenSize(xCONV_PT(tpic->pen_size), yCONV_PT(tpic->pen_size));
switch (tpic->tpic_com) {
case TPIC_FP:
case TPIC_IP:
case TPIC_DA:
case TPIC_DT:
case TPIC_SP:
case TPIC_SPB:
case TPIC_AR:
case TPIC_IA:
static void flushPath(int invis)
int i, x, y;
if (tp->path_len == 1) {
PrintLine("FP/IP path with less than 2 points ignored");
else {
if (invis) {
/* not jet implemented */
else {
x = dm->x;
y = dm->y;
for (i=1; i<tp->path_len; i++) {
x + xCONV_PT(tp->xx[i]), y + yCONV_PT(tp->yy[i]),
x + xCONV_PT(tp->xx[i+1]), y + yCONV_PT(tp->yy[i+1]));
static void flushDashed(int dotted)
long *xx = &(tp->xx[0]);
long *yy = &(tp->yy[0]);
int i, numdots, x0, y0, x1, y1;
int cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1;
float d, spacesize, a, b, dx, dy, milliperdash;
float inchesperdash;
inchesperdash = atof(tp->opt_float[0]);
if (tp->path_len <= 1 || inchesperdash <= 0.0) {
PrintLine("\33bIllegal conditions for dotted/dashed line (%ld,%ld).\33n",tp->path_len, inchesperdash);
milliperdash = inchesperdash * 1000.0;
x0 = xx[1]; y0 = yy[1];
x1 = xx[2]; y1 = yy[2];
dx = x1 - x0;
dy = y1 - y0;
if (dotted) {
numdots = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) / milliperdash + 0.5;
if (numdots == 0) numdots = 1;
for (i=0; i <= numdots; i++) {
a = (float) i / (float) numdots;
cx0 = x0 + a*dx + 0.5;
cy0 = y0 + a*dy + 0.5;
dot_at(cx0, cy0);
} else {
d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d <= 2.0*milliperdash)
line_btw(x0, y0, x1, y1);
else {
numdots = d / (2.0*milliperdash) + 1.0;
spacesize = (d - numdots * milliperdash) / (numdots - 1);
for (i=0; i<numdots-1; i++) {
a = i * (milliperdash + spacesize) / d;
b = a + milliperdash / d;
cx0 = x0 + a*dx + 0.5;
cy0 = y0 + a*dy + 0.5;
cx1 = x0 + b*dx + 0.5;
cy1 = y0 + b*dy + 0.5;
line_btw(cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1);
b += spacesize / d;
cx0 = x0 + b*dx + 0.5;
cy0 = y0 + b*dy + 0.5;
line_btw(cx0, cy0, x1, y1);
static void flushSpline(void)
long *xx = &(tp->xx[0]);
long *yy = &(tp->yy[0]);
int xp, yp, N, lastx, lasty;
int t1, t2, t3, steps, j;
int i, w;
#if 0
int ipd;
if( *cp ) {
float inchesPerDash;
inchesPerDash = atof(cp);
ipd = (int)(1000.0 * inchesPerDash); /* to get milli-inches */
if( ipd < 0 ) { /* dotted */
} else { /* dashed */
N = path_len + 1;
xx[0] = xx[1]; yy[0] = yy[1];
xx[N] = xx[N-1]; yy[N] = yy[N-1];
for (i=0; i<N-1; i++) { /* interval */
/* original was:
* steps = (dist(xx[i], yy[i], xx[i+1], yy[i+1]) +
* dist(xx[i+1], yy[i+1], xx[i+2], yy[i+2])) / 80;
steps = (dist(xx[i], yy[i], xx[i+1], yy[i+1]) +
dist(xx[i+1], yy[i+1], xx[i+2], yy[i+2])) * xRESOLUTION / 4000;
w = 500 / steps;
t1 = w * w / 20;
w -= 500;
t2 = (750000 - w * w) / 10;
w -= 500;
t3 = w * w / 20;
lastx = (t1*xx[i+2] + t2*xx[i+1] + t3*xx[i] + 50000) / 100000;
lasty = (t1*yy[i+2] + t2*yy[i+1] + t3*yy[i] + 50000) / 100000;
for (j=1; j<steps; j++) { /* points within */
w = (j*1000 + 500) / steps;
t1 = w * w / 20;
w -= 500;
t2 = (750000 - w * w) / 10;
w -= 500;
t3 = w * w / 20;
xp = (t1*xx[i+2] + t2*xx[i+1] + t3*xx[i] + 50000) / 100000;
yp = (t1*yy[i+2] + t2*yy[i+1] + t3*yy[i] + 50000) / 100000;
line_btw(lastx, lasty, xp, yp);
lastx = xp;
lasty = yp;
static void arc(int invis)
int xc, yc, xrad, yrad, n;
int lastx, lasty;
float start_angle, end_angle, angle, theta, r;
float xradius, yradius;
xc = tp->opt_long[0];
yc = tp->opt_long[1];
xrad = tp->opt_long[2];
yrad = tp->opt_long[3];
start_angle = atof(tp->opt_float[0]);
end_angle = atof(tp->opt_float[1]);
/* fuer `invis' == true sollte die Ellipse nicht gezeichnet, sondern
* nur ausgefuellt werden.... wir machen nichts...
if( invis )
/* ... und Warnung fuer folgende Faelle ?? */
if( start_angle > end_angle ) {
angle = start_angle; start_angle = end_angle; end_angle = angle;
if( xrad < 0 ) xrad = -xrad;
if( yrad < 0 ) yrad = -yrad;
/* We have a specialized fast way to draw closed circles/ellipses */
if (start_angle <= 0.0 && end_angle >= 6.283) {
draw_ellipse(xc, yc, xrad, yrad);
r = ((float) (xrad + yrad)) / 2.0;
theta = sqrt(1.0 / r);
n = 0.3 * TWOPI / theta + 0.5;
if (n < 12)
n = 12;
else if (n > 80)
n = 80;
/* n /= 2; */
theta = TWOPI / n;
xradius = xrad;
yradius = yrad;
lastx = xc + (int)(xradius * cos(start_angle) + 0.5);
lasty = yc + (int)(yradius * sin(start_angle) + 0.5);
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* GCC lib fuer den ST hat in _addsf3() anscheinend einen Fehler :-( */
angle = (float)start_angle + theta;
angle = start_angle + theta;
n += 10;
while (--n > 0 && angle < end_angle) {
xrad = xc + (int) (xradius*cos(angle) + 0.5);
yrad = yc + (int) (yradius*sin(angle) + 0.5);
line_btw(lastx, lasty, xrad, yrad);
lastx = xrad;
lasty = yrad;
angle += theta;
if( n <= 0 ) {
PrintLine("\33bError in ellipse, start angle %f, end angle %f, theta %f.\33n",start_angle, end_angle, theta);
xrad = xc + (int)(xradius*cos(end_angle) + 0.5);
yrad = yc + (int)(yradius*sin(end_angle) + 0.5);
line_btw(lastx, lasty, xrad, yrad);
static void
dot_at(int x, int y)
x = dm->x + xCONV_PT(x);
y = dm->y + yCONV_PT(y);
device_DrawPoint(x, y);
static void
line_btw(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
x0 = dm->x + xCONV_PT(x0);
y0 = dm->y + yCONV_PT(y0);
x1 = dm->x + xCONV_PT(x1);
y1 = dm->y + yCONV_PT(y1);
device_DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);
* Draw an ellipse with the indicated center and radices.
static void
draw_ellipse(int xc, int yc, int xr, int yr)
{ float angle, theta;
int n, px0, py0, px1, py1;
angle = (xr + yr) / 2.0;
theta = sqrt(1.0 / angle);
n = TWOPI / theta + 0.5;
if (n < 12)
n = 12;
else if (n > 80)
n = 80;
n /= 2;
theta = TWOPI / n;
px0 = xc + xr; /* cos(0) = 1 */
py0 = yc; /* Sin(0) = 0 */
angle = theta;
while (angle <= TWOPI) {
px1 = xc + xr*cos(angle) + 0.5;
py1 = yc + yr*sin(angle) + 0.5;
line_btw(px0, py0, px1, py1);
px0 = px1;
py0 = py1;
angle += theta;
line_btw(px0, py0, xc + xr, yc);